Glossary of Concepts for Combating Sexual Violence
Because transformation begins in language!
Change starts with me!
Dictionary of ÇŞMD's 2017 "Sexual Violence Increases as You Keep Silence, Let's Talk!" It was prepared by making use of the "Sexual Violence Concept Discussions" organized within the scope of the project.

For Women Strongly
Fight Festival
Our festival, which was organized for the second time this year by the Solidarity Women's Carpet Association (DAKAH-DER), was to take place online on 20-25 November. Within the scope of the festival, a full program consisting of panels, workshops, interviews and concerts took place.

our works
Our resources
What did we do?
Founded on September 3, 2018, DAKAH-DER opened its office in December of the same year with the support of the EU Think Civil Program. Since its establishment, the association has carried out activities to strengthen its members and volunteers, and continues to do so.
Sexual health and dating violence trainings were given to young women.
She started empowering and supporting young women by opening an English course.
Among the activities of the association open to all women;
Women's Struggle ( 10 March ) - 8 March Activities
Women in Labor (May 1 - About Being a Woman in Patriarchal Control and Domestic Labor) panels are included.
Before March 8, Action Plans for March 8 were prepared in cooperation with the Community Volunteers Foundation and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Association with the participation of young women and women from different cities of Turkey in Diyarbakır.
The 1st Festival of Combating Violence Against Women was held on 20-25 November 2019 with the support of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung. (Images program will also be added to the drive.)
With Sexual Violence and Assault
Struggle Network Project
In the project we realized with the support of Rosa Luxemburg Stfitung, we started an online training program to empower people who have been in direct contact with those who have been exposed to sexual violence and harassment in the provinces of Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa, Batman, Mardin, Adıyaman, Van, Hakkari, Siirt, Bitlis, and Muş. In cases of sexual violence and assault, there is more than one person and professional group that the person exposed to, has to come into contact with and has to share their experience; such as women's organizations, lawyers, psychologists, law enforcement, social workers.
Our Inspiration is Women

Marie Curie
She was born in 1867 in Poland. Marie, who loved to play with magnets and metals as a child, realized her interest in chemistry in the following years. Although she wanted to focus on this field, it was forbidden for girls to study at a technical university in Warsaw, which was under Russian rule at that time. She went abroad to continue her education life as she wanted. With the help of her older sister, who studied medicine in Paris, she enrolled at the Sorbonne University. Trying to make a living by babysitting throughout her school life, Marie worked in a house with an attic. Under these difficult conditions, she started doing research on different types of steel and magnetic properties. Marie, who went down in history as the founder of the science of radiology, drew attention to the importance of radiation therapy in medicine. During the First World War, she invented
portable x-ray machines and taught the technology
to young women.
She married physicist Pierre Curie in 1895. Marie wore a blue dress at the wedding of the couple, who refused to wear rings and religious ceremonies. This suit was used as a laboratory suit many years later.
In 1911, Marie became the first woman and scientist to receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. She received the title of the first female professor at the Sorbonne in 1908. She died of blood cancer in Savoy, France, in 1934. Her illness was attributed to her exposure to an overdose of radiation. That's why she was called "the woman who died for science."
Arundhati Roy
She was born in 1961 in Kerela, India, to a Hindu father and a Christian mother. She moved to Italy with her architectural
education in Delhi. Roy, who was involved in the monument restoration work here, could not like architecture. During her life in Italy, she discovered the writing side and started writing series and movie scripts.
In her scenarios, she mostly touched on the problems of women living in India. The scenarios of the poor parts of the city, women abused by their husbands, and the lives of students have had a huge impact in India. When her last film was went on trial, she wrote her novel titled "God of Small Things", which also contains sections from her own life. With this novel, she received the Man Booker Award, Britain's most prestigious literary award, and became the first
Indian woman to receive this award.
​Roy, apart from her proven authorship, is known worldwide
as a rights advocate. The author, who also writes books
on political subjects, uses her reputation mostly for the poor and oppressed.
She received the Lanan Cultural Freedom Prize in 2002 and the Sydney Peace Prize in 2004.The author, who continues her studies on women and human rights, continues to write articles on these topics.Roy, who wrote her second novel, "Mulak Ministry of Happiness" in 2017, continues her life with her writings and efforts that will inspire us in India where she was born and raised.

Pussy Riot
It is a feminist punk action collective founded in Russia in 2011. It
consisted of 11 women between the ages of 20 and 33.The group
makes pirate performances in public places and unexpected places,
and make a sound by uploading the images of these performances to
the internet.Their actions target the policies of Russian President
Vladimir Putin.Pussy Riot carried out an action in Moscow in the
Cathedral of Christ the Savior in 2012, after the Patriarch Kiril of the
Orthodox Church announced that he would support Putin in the
elections.In the action, the group called for the Virgin Mary to
become a feminist and prayed to the Virgin Mary for the heads to
kick Putin out.As a result of this action, 3 members of the group were
arrested and subjected to an inhumane trial. The pressure exerted by
the Russian government on women and LGBTIs emerged with this
trial process. This process, also described as the witch hunt of the
21st century, drew a lot of reactions around the world.Various human
rights organizations, notably Amnesty International, launched
support campaigns for Pussy Riot. In December 2013, the band
members were released. They continued to take action in 2014.
Pussy Riot received the Lennon-Ono Peace award in 2012 and the
Hannah Arendt Prize awarded by the Henrich Böll Foundation in
Ayse San
She was born in Diyarbakır in 1938 as the child of a "dengbêj" father. She influenced by dengbêj assemblies which are often established in their homes ,she turned towards music. But nobody in the family supported her except her mother.AyÅŸe Åžan, settled in Antep due to family pressure, sang Turkish songs on a radio here. AyÅŸe Åžan, who went to Istanbul to sing in her own language and released Kurdish records there, was subjected to pressure because Kurdish became an objectionable language. In order to be able to sing Kurdish songs and continue making music, she
settled in Iraq and continued to sing with names such as one of the famous Kurdish singers Cizrawî. After returning to
Turkey she couldn't do practice because of the ban on
Kurdish language. Those timescassettes continued to be sold underhand.
AyÅŸe Åžan was a well-known and famous female singer of this period had ,which increased the pressure on her . Unable to get rid of the pressures on her due to her female and Kurdish identity, our artist continued to sing and make music at every opportunity, ignoring the family's pressures and the threats of the state.
The singer, who started to make her voice heard again in Baghdad in 1979 as EyÅŸana Eli, gave concerts in Baghdad, Mosul, Duhok and Hewler. The will of AyÅŸe Åžan, who died of cancer in Ä°zmir on 18
December 1996, was denied to be buried in Diyarbakır.

Istanbul Convention Animation Work
If the Istanbul Convention, which entered into force 7 years ago, had continued to be implemented today, we would have been able to continue our lives as women and lgbti+s. Massacres and sexual violence could have been prevented.
We have not given up on our insistence on the Istanbul Convention, our struggle for women continues.
Network Against Sexual Violence Project
Play Nature
DoÄŸa Çal
Animation Artist
Judith Butler +
Zeynep Gambetti
WEBINAR / JULY 27. 2021
Hello !
As the Association of Solidarity for Women, we wish a good time for those who want to watch our Queer Theory Webinar in Turkish with Judith Butler and Zeynep Gambetti.
Violence Cycle Animation Study
Cycle of Violence: It is the continuation of violent behaviors in a certain cycle in violent relationships.
Play Nature
Animation Artist
Network Against Sexual Violence Project
Dilara Savut
Network Against Sexual Violence Project
Istanbul Convention Videography Study
It is our promise to each other! Remember, you are not alone. The Istanbul Convention is our promise to each other! Apply the Istanbul Convention! #istanbulsozasyonyaşatır